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Brokedowns, The - Let The Disappointment Begin CD BAR 012

From Illinois, this band plays a tight melodic punk rock with a leftist political bend. Vocally, for the most part I’m not getting hooked, but thankfully, with tracks like “Bring on the Bling-Bling” and “I Hate Music,” they don’t sound like every other punk band coming out these days. Instead they have an element of creativity with their song structures songs that could possibly develop into something great if they step away from the pop influences. I also like the sound bytes they use: from Bill Hicks(?) on bands doing commercials, to what appears to be a deranged right wing AM radio pundit opening their best track, “Big Gay Party.” In a time where politics in punk seems to be unfashionable, I admire their willingness to speak their mind, and not seem humorless in doing so. Still, the vocal harmonies put me off. (BL - Rock N Roll Purgutory)