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Varsity Weirdos - S/T 7" IAR 027

The Varsity Weirdos are back with their second ep on It's Alive Records! Much like their first, the second is loaded with all the pop and hooks that made their first so damn great. In addition to the old tricks, the all-down-strokers added a few new ingredients to the mix - a third lead vocalist and a hard-rockin' political jam. In the world of Ramones inspired pop punk music you are guaranteed to be inundated by a shit-ton of horrible, crappy bands. But if you've got enough love for the style to stick it out through all the crap, you'll be rewarded with the awesome tunes by a handful of great bands doing that Ramones thing right. The Varsity Weirdos are one of these bands. They might not be breaking any ground with this release, but they might break a few record players from all the repeat listens.

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